Blog Post

What is colour analysis and why is it important?

  • by Emily Bal
  • 28 May, 2021

Simply put colour analysis is knowing which shades of colour look best on you.

The shops are full of colour, maybe your wardrobe too, and getting dressed and shopping becomes so much easier and way more fun when you know which colours suit you best and more importantly which colours to avoid.

Before I knew better I would wear a lot of on trend dove grey and never felt good about myself but persisted because the magazines and the shops were full of it. Equally lots of women wear black because it’s always in fashion and they think it’s slimming. 

However, if you knew that your shade of blue or orange would have an even better impact than what the style editors were telling you you’d wear it, wouldn’t you?

When you wear your best colours you will look healthier and younger and, hopefully, feel more confident. When you wear your best colours there will be a sense of harmony about you that other people will notice, comment on and it feels great. You save money because you shop more mindfully which in turn is better for the environment.

As a colour analyst I start by looking at eye colour, natural hair colour, skin tone and personality and then use coloured drapes to work out which season you fall into. Spring and Autumn are the seasons for people with warm skin tones and Summer and Winter for those with cool skin tones. Almost all colours are in each palette, it’s just the shade that changes.

I’m an Autumn. These days I organise my wardrobe by colour, the dove grey has long gone and there’s very little black. I take my colour fan with me everywhere I go and I use it for everything from clothes and accessories to nails and lipstick. Instead I wear lots of red, orange, mustard yellow, khaki and teal and I know how to use this knowledge to wear colours appropriate for different occasions. Red for when I need confidence, blue for trust, green for mediation.

I’d love to say I can I can predict what season you are but I simply can’t. And I’ve really tried. Only the drapes can give me the conclusive answer. So if you’re keen to start looking and feeling your very best then find out more here or book your session here.

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